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BPM Manifesto

Welcome to the BPM Manifesto, a collaborative effort by the BPM Crafters community.

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Fostering Business-IT Alignment Over Developer-driven Process Automation

Prioritizing the understanding and modeling of business domains rather than focusing solely on the technical aspects of integration. This emphasizes the harmony between business needs and IT capabilities, rather than focusing on solutions that don’t reflect real-world processes.

Open Standards Over Proprietary Solutions

Advocating for the use of open, universally accepted standards which promote interoperability and long-term sustainability over closed, proprietary systems.

Process Automation Best Practices Over Tool-Centric Features

Valuing established methodologies and practices for modeling and development over trendy or niche features offered by specific tools.

Continuous Process-Improvement Over Scoped And Time-Boxed Targets

Process orientation is an ongoing journey and not a destination. For automation journeys, a product mindset is more suited than a project one.

About the authors

We are a group of professionals and enthusiasts united by a common passion for excellence in business process management and automation. Our manifesto embodies the principles, insights, and best practices that define the highest standards in process automation projects.

Jan Galinski

Simon Zambrovski

Stephan Pelikan

Peter Queteschiner

Dominik Horn

Thomas Heinrichs

Our Sponsors
